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Laboring in the Fields of God's Kingdom

“Do you not say, ‘there are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘one sows, and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
John 4:35-38

Living in God's kingdom changes our mindset and our behavior. For, when we become a follower of Jesus, we enter into the labor of God, and of all of those whom have loved God before us. Christians are not meant to chase after the temporary things of a dying world. We are to labor together as one in God's fields, glorifying Him with our lives, changing what we care about to match what He cares about. And what is it that God cares about? In Jesus' life, what was He focused on? Making a name for himself? Acquiring glamorous materials? Growing in fame? Being entertained? No. He was focused on people, because God loves people. He was working in His Father's fields, so to speak, spreading and watering the seeds of the gospel, and harvesting men and women who forsook their rebellion against God, in favor of becoming His children. Since Our King's priority is people, we also must make people our priority.

We, too, must become farmers who are intent on tending our King's fields; always ready to do the work before us, prepared for the Spirit to use us in any way to glorify our King. And Jesus said that the fields of His Father's kingdom are white for harvest! What this means is that people everywhere are ready to receive the truth and love of God, which He is desiring to show them through us. Through you. God is seeking to reach more people through those whom have been adopted into His family. This labor is a natural overflow of being connected to Jesus. As we receive from Him everything our Spirit needs, and even more so, He makes us able to give to others the love He is instilling into us. (John ch. 15)
The question is; are you a laborer? Do you experience the Spirit working in your life in such a way that others are being impacted for God's kingdom? Or, are you instead stifled? Disconnected from the work of God's eternal kingdom. Are you wondering if living in such a way as to experience the Holy Spirit is even a reality? Or, if it's just some lofty, mythical tale of spiritual superstars and eccentrics?

So many followers of Jesus today feel that they are ill-equipped to be used by God in making any positive, eternal impact in another persons life. The excuses for why we feel this way are many: not wise enough, not enough biblical knowledge, no seminary degree, haven't been a christian long enough, on and on and on. The reality we need to grasp is this; you do not need a seminary degree, or to memorize the Romans road, or to be an expert in apologetics, to be effective in God's kingdom! Do not put limits on what God is able to do in and through your life, and through His church.

What is it that God is seeking in His people? Through whom does God work? Is it not faith which he seeks and rewards? Think of some of those whom we read about who God worked so powerfully through: Noah had faith to trust God, and he thus was used to save the human race. Abraham was justified not by anything he could bring to the table, but by his faith, and he thus began the nation of Israel. Moses had faith in God's power instead of his own, and he thus lead an enslaved nation up from bondage into freedom. And you know what? None of them even had a bible. They had faith, they had prayer, and they had the leadership of God. God isn't looking for you to check the boxes of our culture's standards of achievement, He wants you to trust Him, to follow where His Spirit leads and do the work He is inspiring you to do. Jesus said the fields are white for harvest, that means they are ready, people are ready to stop stumbling through life in the dark. You don't need to be a spiritual superstar to be a laborer in God's fields. You just need to have faith that God will do good work through you, when you are submitted to Him.
God is trying to say something or do something through your life. I know this because Jesus didn't put fences and stipulations around His commandment to go into the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20), and he didn't tell the most equipped people in the world that the fields are white for harvest, but He told ordinary people, who's only qualification was simply their commitment to following Him. If you're running into a road block, wondering why you just can't seem to get a handle on what God is trying to do, here's some steps for you to take:

1. Through prayer, and meditation in scripture, search your heart to evaluate your priorities. If your priorities are not in alignment with God's priorities, ask Him how you can shift your goals and your habits to match His. The place to begin is with Jesus's commandments for each and every disciple. Then, go deeper and ask God to help you understand any specific areas where He wants to have impact through your life. You don't need to do this alone, seek a committed follower of Jesus to be your friend through this process.

2. Be in prayer for your community. Whether you live rural, suburban, or urban, there are people God is desiring to impact through you. Ask God to open your eyes to see the white fields around you, and pray that He will equip you to do the work He wants to do. That last part is crucial. From personal experience, if you set out to "help" in your own strength, by your own ideas, it's going to flop. Seek the Lord, ask for His guidance, and ask for His Spirit to work through you. 3. Get connected to more people who are committed to Jesus, and discern together how the Spirit is leading you all to have impact for God's kingdom. God is glorified in our unity. The Holy Spirit works powerfully when we come together as His Church.

All of these steps take time and effort, but the close relationship you will have with Jesus is worth every moment. If you want to realize the power of Jesus working in and through your life, if you want to know the joy of working in His fields, then walk closely with Him, have faith in Him, and ask Him to be with you each and every day. Keep the Kingdom of God in your mind, and make it your goal and desire.
May we labor together in unity, for God's glory.

Until next time beloved,

Pastor Andrew
